2025 Repress!
*MUCH NEEDED RE-PRESS* of one of Joanne Robertson's early outings from way back in 2016. This was to be Robertson's third LP, landing just before her profile-shifting associations with Dean Blunt and thus signalling what was to be an undeniable run that hasn't really let up since. If you only came to Robertson after Wildflower and like what you've heard, then know that her particular style of close mic-d, lo-fi confessionals has been sharply defined from the start. You can identify a Joanne Robertson song the moment you hear it, the post-grunge longing in that voice somewhere between Mary Lou Lord, Chan Marshall and Elliott Smith but with an unswering consistency that establishes it as exclusively her own. The quality of Robertson's records has never been in doubt, it's getting hold of them that's frequently been the issue, and of course adds to the alluring mystery. This latest re-press opens the door a little more, but Wildflower remains it's own little conundrum, songs sent from an emotional precipice that feels very much out of time.