Here's an intriguing proposition - new sounds outta Gothenburg that sound nothing like all the other new songs outta Gothenburg. Cheap Imitation, the duo of Anders Olofson and Ann-Charlotte, occupy a completely different space to much of what's being sent from the Discreet orbit, though the spirit feels like a shared one. Self-released on the pair's own label, Story of Love runs with the same it-was-easy-it-was-cheap-go-and-do-it drive but bends it to more post-punk, dub-inflected sounds, something like a mash of Flying Lizards avant pop playfulness and the alien party dance of ESG. With all ten tracks recorded live in their rehearsal room, this is a notably no-fi, primitive affair that gives off a very pleasing 'first thought best thought' feel, sort of like a more skeletal re-imagining of Robert Rental and The Normal's Live at West Runton Pavilion afforded a pop-instinct bent. So impulse-driven is the whole affair, it was a surprised to discover the group have been in operation since as far back as 2011. Which just goes to show, it takes work to make it seem this easy. The hours put in have been well spent.