Best of 2020
2021 Colour Vinyl Repress
Release number four on the increasingly out-there and excellent Horn of Plenty, sees the hardest working woman in showbiz Valentina Magaletti (Tomaga, Vanishing Twin, Raime collaborator...) combine forces with Gnod's Marlene Ribeiro for a truly enriching trip through the in-sound from far-out. Due Matte translates, roughly, as 'two crazy women', which is both brilliant and clearly misleading - there's nothing 'crazy' about this pair; this is spiritual enlightenment! We're in fourth world territory here, Hassell's magic realism passed through the post-industrial filter of mid-period Bourbonese Qualk and the 'tribal' rhythm half-dreams of O Yuki Conjugate's Into Dark Water & Peyote. Elsewhere, as the vocal samples float in and out and the sound sources are smudged into abstruse shapes, i'm further reminded of elements of Frances Bebey and Jorge Reyes, artists whose music also seemed to find that Derridian idea of 'noon at two o'clock': obscured origins present impossible ideas. Their Bandcamp page labels this as 'tropical concrete', which is some way there to understanding. Think of this as oily water on a motorway hard shoulder, colour splitting across the tarmac, a little otherness in the industrialised gloom. Wonderous stuff. As with all Horn of Plenty of business, this is lovingly packaged (replete with a heavy duty booklet no less!) and highly limited.