Latest installment in the IDDB 7" series is a minorly unexpected appearance from Glenn Donaldson (Skygreen Leopards, Art Museums, Teenage Panzercorps et al) under his The Reds, Pinks and Purples moniker. Unexpected because this is pure as the first hit of the morning golden sunshine jangle of the highest order and quite a long way removed from a good number of the more outre/experimental releases the series is mostly known for - i can't imagine anything much further away from Mosquitoes, Komare etc... Well, as Lawrence once sang, 'there's a place for abstract and there's a place for noise'...And here comes these songs to fill the void. The good news is that lovelorn indiepop is my lifeblood and this is about as close to perfect as the genre gets. The Reds, Pinks and Purples album from last year is a little bit of a lost modern classic, but the quality of both songwriting and production here is a few steps evolved (even if it was recorded at home!), and far more inspired than it has any reason to be given how long Donaldson has been doing his thing. On the production side, it recalls noughties Swedish indiepop (early Jens meets Labrador, i guess), which might explain how it's ended up on Gothenburg's IDDB? Donaldson is a San Fran native, which has long had a psychic connection with the Sarah sound (Slumberland, of course), and when you start adding all these things together it makes sense as to why this is the immaculate heartbreaker it is. Buy this and the new C86 book, and you'll be in no need of the outside world. Actually a perfect four song 7" - when was the last time you said that? I've said it twice in the last two paragraphs. Well done all involved. I've got my single of the year (so far...)