Please get in touch about shipping options before placing an order on this - it is two huge books weighing 6.05kg without packaging.
2 x Hard Back Books Limited to 600 numbered copies World Wide with faux leather Gold embossed covers.
A total of 2064 pages plus 8 page colour sections in each volume.
"This stunning, vastly expanded two-volume (A-K) and (L-Z) edition of The Tapestry Of Delights Revisited contains all you ever need to know about sixties and seventies rock and pop between 1963-1976. Totalling over 2,000 pages it is over twice the size of the previous edition and over three times the size of the original edition. Even if you purchased one of the earlier editions we think you are going to love this. It is also a wonderful present for fans of sixties and seventies music.
There are hundreds of new entries (large and small). The discographies for each entry are extremely detailed and, for most entries, overseas releases are included as well as comprehensive reissue information, details of retrospective compilations and appearances on various artists’ compilations, all in far more detailed than in previous volumes. Similarly, the bibliographical details and descriptions and critiques of the music are in much more detail than previously. An updated rarity scale is provided for all UK releases.
Each of the two volumes is profusely illustrated throughout and contains an eight-page colour section.
The book is lovingly written and compiled by a collector (helped by other collectors) for collectors and lovers of sixties and seventies rock and pop." F MINOR
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