While i'm still getting to grips with the first Peace Pipe tape, a second installment quietly ushers itself into the world. Still no real clues as to who's behind the alias - honestly, not sure i even care tbqh - and in the absence of a tracklisting (of course!), can't say i really know much of the music specifically (aside from the obvious Pet Shop Boys and Orb moments), which could just as much be on me as anything else. That's all besides the point. And the point is we've all felt the pull of this kind of music at some stage. Dreamy & emotive house music designed/conceived for that exact moment between the dream and the click of the light. It's a feeling, the same i get from Soul Capsule's Lady Science/NYCSunrise, Move D's To The Disco, Baby Ford's Poem for Wigan while not being any of those songs... You know the kind of thing. Very emotional, very joyous and coloured with a hint of nostalgic introspection. Two for two now from Mr/s/x Pipe. Keep 'em rolling.
Peace Pipe - Peace Tape II
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