Human Inferno - To Piss Warm and Drink Cold
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What is this goblin music? I wouldn't say To Piss Warm and Drink Cold is an instructive title as such (cos i don't know what it means exactly, nor want to), but it's certainly revealing of the fearless two-footed commitment Human Inferno make to the grotesque and, to be frank, outright absurd. David Gurrik has been kicking around as Human Inferno on and off for a decade or so, but this reintroduction to the world feels especially blasted. Heavily blackened electronics, DIY crudity (and believe, this is especially crude sounding business), industrial provocation and demonic vocals misalign in a taunting cacophony that feels born of the same sense of humour that birthed British Murder Boys, Prurient, Wolf Eyes, Russell Haswell... The kind you've seen smile but never heard laugh. And laugh at this at your peril, man. It'll have your face off. The sonic equivalent of the video from The Ring. Congratulations, may you now consider yourself haunted.

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