Concept-heavy latest on Ever/Never from avant-bient (i made that up) provocateurs Hand of Food, who do a fine job of poking a little fun at the po-faced ambient elite (we've all got YouTube guys) while also managing to still sound really actually quite pretty. We're in James Ferraro, post-OPN land for the most part, which means New Age hyperreality with a cunning edge - aka Spotify AI infinity pool playlist/Dubai shopping mall iPad experience/biodome rainforest in Kuala Lumpur airport/Safdi brothers soundtrack maximalist nihilism...a lot of things and words that don't make sense but scream the everything-all-the-time absurdity of Modern Life. Swimming Mindlessly is quite literally a perfect title, and it's incredibly refreshing and heartening to hear 'ambient' aesthetics treated with so little reverence. Not so much killing as distorting the vibe. Netflix and kill(ing me softly). Ever/Never does it again