Greymouth - Cut A Crooked Track 7"
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Number godknowshowmany (and please keep them coming!) in the IDDB 7" series and with it another deep dive into the murky depths of the international weirdo underground with this Greymouth six tracker. You might remember the duo from the 12" on New York's Quemada (who did that lovely Mole House 7" alongside a load of other noisy and jangly lo-fi business) and they're on typically rough 'n' ready form here, A grade purveyors of that very Aussie & Kiwi DIY sensibility that favours both the crude and the transgressive (crude as transgressive?). No-wave no-fi klang bang and strang that amounts to music that's rolled down the basement stairs and recorded as it lands, and as with most of what IDDB have issued, it really only makes sense in the context of the series, if sense is indeed what you require - something and absolutely nothing like Mosquitoes, People Skills, Posset, K Group, Drunk Elk et al. The thinking (wo)man's unthinking music. Are they laughing or are they scowling? Best not to ask. Edition of 200.
LT01: 70% wool, 15% polyester, 10% polyamide, 5% acrylic 900 Grms/mt