Artwork by Angelina Nonaj & Ryan Loecker
Centre labels by Jesse Sappell
Mastered by Miles of Demdike Stare, cut at D&M Berlin
When I said glitch was back a few weeks ago I wasn't thinking of Folder, or had even heard New Path, but here we are. I'm not claiming clairvoyance, but the facts are unavoidable, the evidence undeniable... New on Experiences Ltd, the imprint responsible for (and run by btw) Ulla's year-to-date highlight Tumbling Against a Wall, New Path broadly fits into the West Mineral universe, exploring the outer reaches (and inner worlds!) of minimal/ambient/drone aesthetics. Seemingly EVERYONE is making 'ambient' music right now, but what makes Folder and associated peers (UON, exael, Ulla et al) stand out is how physical the music feels, like you can hear its origins in the Real World, the decay of technology or movement of nature, things being assembled as other bits fall apart. As such, this reminds me quite a bit of the whole Force Inc, Mille Plateaux++ aesthetic, Vladislav Delay and Oval in particular, how Markus Popp used to sample the sounds of faltering CD-Rs skipping and crackling. The imperfections are the material of the value. It makes sense that in an increasingly perfect world of digital replication that we'd start longing for the decay of the real world. All of my favourite singers couldn't sing; all of my favourite records sound like they're falling apart... Turns out New Path is a beaten track. Highly limited as per blah blah blah.