Just two weeks back we were celebrating Emily Robb's contributions to the debut Candy Rock 7" (update: it's still brilliant and still in stock) and here she is back again with a solo long player of luscious avant rock dynamics. Like on that 7", Robb's guitar playing is the star of the show, the long-form affording her more opportunity to further indulge her interests in its trance-inducing, ecstatic qualities. It's at once both bluesy and meditative, an exploration of texture and tone you imagine Robb allowing to continue forever more if it were not for the limitations of the format. In the hands of another, that might land as a little solipsistic, but not here. There is instead the sense of privileged intimacy, a rare sight of the artist amidst their process, just seeing where it might lead. Robb's instincts are more than solid, and her practice raw and spirited. To see it upclose, unvarnished, only part way edited, is the true appeal of If I Am Misery Then Give Me Affection.