Third dispatch from the shadowy and equally sporadic A Visiting Link organisation, presented with the customary next-to-nothing detail. Which, in short, means we know sweet fa about the personnel involved - name, locale, history: you'll find little in the way of illumination here. Squaring off what we can derive from the music alone (and aint that what it's all about, man?), my guess is Darkness Darkness (none more dark) descend from some midnight-hued corner of the European mainland, like Vienna or Gdansk but, let's be honest, most likely Berlin. And it's to the history of such a place they clearly express a debt, eight ethereal, dub-induced sub-aquatic burners that summon the ghosts of the more vaporous aspects of Porter Ricks, Pole, Vladislav Delay and the like. Yes, we're back in Chain Reaction territory, but even if that has become a common touchstone of late, where's the harm in that? Civilistjavel and Topdown Dialectic act as solid contemporary references, though the aforementioned ethereality adds a more unique dream-like quality that renders the whole presentation a little less metallic, a sleepwalk beneath the waves of the night. And even if Darkness Darkness conjure impressions of a different cityscape, it's this specific tone that reminded me most of London's Jolly Discs crew (Enchante, RAP++), deeply textural electronic excursions that express more contemplative skirmishes through the later hours.
Darkness Darkness - Animation
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