Avvitagalli - None Corsa
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Round two from Horn of Plenty this week sees the ever-restless Valentina Magaletti pair with Pino Montecalvo as Avvitagalli, a project they debuted last year with two very limited cassettes. I never got a chance to hear those tapes, so can't comment on previous output, but None Corsa certainly speaks loudly of the fearless experimental approach Magaletti has persistently pursued the past decade. Side one is separated into a number of discrete but fluid elements, nine different tracks of varying length that are shaped by unconventional percussive diversions, manipulated tape loops and a host of clanging keys, bass and guitar. It plays like a hallucinogenic miasma of sound design, library music/ghostbox plunderphonics and Organic Music-styled rapture. Side two is one continuous 15 minute piece, though has a similar overall effect, tying those disparate elements together into one monolithic creation. It's essentially a genreless piece, moving with impulse and freeform intent rather than following any conventional pattern or form. It's somewhat disorientating and implacable as a result, speaking to a wider tradition of avant composition but also feels like nothing so much as Magaletti herself. It's a hell of a catalogue she's constructing, a relentless collaborator and experimenter hitting quite the purple patch of late. Includes a 24 page zine.
LT01: 70% wool, 15% polyester, 10% polyamide, 5% acrylic 900 Grms/mt