This guy cracks me up. The mouthpiece of many a favourable bunch of ragtag DIY sorts (The Pheormoans, The Lloyd Pack, Charcoal Owls, The Bomber Jackets and so on), i've long been drawn towards Walker's turn of phrase. Lucky for me, then (and you, should you venture forth), that Very Bon have collected a number of said phrase turns into this handy reader. Backwards insight lies within. Or maybe that's just the Coventry in us both talking? Some words from the publisher below, since mine probably aren't sufficient.
Russell Walker has been writing and performing since the early naughties. The novella, When New Towns Act Tough, appeared in 2016 and introduced his alter ego Rob Fairbrass to the reading public. Picture The Scene features several more texts from this series, as well as other fiction, prose and song lyrics taken from a number of record releases. Completely unedited, straight from Russell’s computer to Very Bon, to the printers, just like GOD intended.
Published by Very Bon
A6 | Perfect bound | 225 pages