Not strictly new, but this arrived from Knotwigl along with the recent K-Group and is worth focusing on because it's both Stefan Christensen(!) and provides a perfect and obvious compliment to Series 4. Christensen's slightly looser and in more free-form space than when recording as Headroom (more from them in the coming week btw), though i still think he's always in service to the song - like the Dead C, Peter Jefferies, Roy Montgomery, the early Drag City mob, there's an obvious centre to gravitate back to. He absolutely torches his guitar, his playing a psychedelic counterpoint, say, to the rock and roll nirvana of Neil Hagerty. The whole thing's a trip, but it would be remiss not to focus specifically on 16min+ closer Tell It On The Mountaintops, a melodic lo-fi missive that mutates into heatsick feedback like his own minimal, unconstructed Sister Ray. Absolute blaster of a track that's worth the entry fee alone. More Christensen due in various guises soon, but this one's the real deal.
"A grim but hopefull glimpse into a struggling world. Guitar drenched melancholy not only for fans of Dead C/Gate/ Xpressway but also those whom feel the depths of Steven R.smith/Hala Strana."