Action painting indiepop masterclass from Bay Area hot ticket Famous Mammals, a band you may well already know for their own merits, but will certainly be familiar with via their connections to a host of other acts - Children Maybe Later, Cindy, Non Plus Temps, The World and so forth. It's the former to whom Famous Mammals perhaps have the closest connection, falling the other side of the King's Road coin: if CML are San Fran's T-VP, then FM are their Homosexuals. Or maybe they're the other kind of Television - Alternative instead of Personality? The idea is a clear one nonetheless: angular glam pop absurdity as 18 miniaturist derivations, shambling, rambling, rolling on, pushed through a mutant hybrid lexicon of Treacy-MES (Crayon World into Parachute Traction Excites! anyone?). And like with CML, the eye for detail is just so, pushing all the wrong buttons, taking all the right detours and making all kinds of detonations. If you'd told me this was plucked from the Messthetics outer rim then i'd have no reason to call you a liar. But here it is in 2023, It's War Boys reanimated for right now. DIY or die trying. Keep preaching!