Truly, a gift: our very own formation of Bay Area 'fog pop' from our very own shores. Liverpool, that is, to be precise. Of course, it takes Glenn Donaldson's Fruits & Flowers imprint to inform us of what's standing on our feet, but such is the way of the world. What we do know is that The Gabys are a relatively mysterious/currently faceless two piece who have already issued a tape and 7" via US labels (the latter also F&F) but have seemingly evaded further attention here in the UK. Hopefully this latest four track single/EP sets the record straight, a serene example of spraycan hiss lo-fi aesthetics and lovelorn jangle that incorporates the best of both contemporary San Fran (most certainly Cindy and April Magazine) and Sarah, and ends up sounding very much like the reincarnation of my much missed Joyzipper circa album 1 (but on a significantly smaller budget). An enormous amount to love from such modest means, the Gabys are certainly possessed of the kind of economy of beauty you find so rarely in these everything-all-the-time days. As i said, a gift, truly.