Oh snap! There's a new pisstaker in town! And that pisstaker is, in fact, Manchester-based polymath Richard Harris, who debuts under the Sockethead moniker with a capacious and somewhat prodigious set of electronic concoctions that raise two fingers to form and function. This one's all over the place, in the best possible way - there's spoken word dulcet toned analogue monologues that crunch and whirr like DIY first wavers Robert Rental and John Bender, Hype Williams style broken dreamworld dub narcotism, new additions to the hardcore continuum that wouldn't sound out of place on TTT, and... something else entirely, something entirely itself. Apparently this was recorded in a caravan in Scotland, which is so perfect i'm going to put my better judgment to the side and give into the mythmaking. It could also very well be true, since there's the sense of someone operating independently and unguided, victim to the isolation of their own creative urges. Harris is quite clearly having a right old knees up here, and he's doing it with serious style and imagination. And possibly a little madness. Brilliant outta nowhere transmission from the lockdown abyss. Keep 'em coming.