Lovely synchronicity to this latest cassette from Sagome, a project birthed at one of their regular live events at Iklectik in late 2022. The Dengie Hundred were performing that night alongside LDGU, who provided the audience with a number of home made instruments fashioned from plumbing tubes and with which a number of friends were then invited to utilise as a group improvisation. Tube, as the more astute among you might deduce, is directly inspired by that exercise, a kind of sonic drabble (the art of constructing a story from just 100 words) if you like, focusing the practice in on that one instrument and seeing what comes of it. Of course, a series of tubes taped together is primitive in form and limited in nature, so The Dengie Hundred have coloured in the spaces with drum machine and intermittent vocals, but the results are remarkably evocative and unusual despite their restricted means, two artful long-form compositions that structure these alien tonalities in unusual, hypnotic ways, sounding, fittingly given the intended use of these tubes, like the night held under water, another way for The Dengie Hundred to explore their interests in purgatorial sound. Shall we call it Musique Conduite? It's essentially the perfect example of our general MO, Amateur and non-amateur music in unison, and given its origins, also revealing of the value in community and shared experience.