Cassette - limited to 100 only.
See also: DJ Desecrator - Ritual Giblets
Two contrasting new cassette releases from Trilogy Tapes offering a pretty pithy overview of the label's general MO in its traversing of multifarious underground activity. The DJ Descecrator mixtape goes hard in the paint, a descent into black metal/noise extremes in a way that anyone who caught the NTS show back in the summer with Crypt of the Wizard will likely still feel the dark pull of. The Dane Law and Chants collab moves in completely the opposite direction, a sample-based transatlantic duet that oscillates between IDM ambience, instrumental post-rock leaning arrangements and an overall sense of playfulness that feels surprisingly wholesome and good natured. So there you go: Dan Law and Chants - good natured; DJ Desecrator - bad natured. The Trilogy Tapes dialectic of the human condition.