While Moore requires no introduction from us and his contributions to music are obviously long-established and well-documented, his parallel existence as a lifelong disciple and archivist of the counter culture is equally compelling, which makes his addition to the Inner World series hugely welcome. As you might anticipate, this is a broad selection, freewheeling between genre with the kind of care and respect it deserves - ie none at all. The connections here are spiritual and ideological, form in service to spirit, pure and absolute expression. Not much finer than that.
Can - Deadly Doris
Isaac Hayes - Do Your Thing
John Tchicai & Cadentia Nova Danica - Heavenly Love On a Planet
Terry Riley - Music for the Gift_ Part 2
Kim Fowley - Hide & Seek
Theoretical Girls - Contrary Motion
Lydia Lunch - Lady Scarface
Peace - I Don't Know
Asmara All Stars - Fhemsela
? - Luminescent
Modern Lovers - Dignified and Old
The Fall - Dead Beat Descendant
Untouchables - I Hate You
Mayhem - Life Eternal
Black Flag - Depression
Faith - Don't Tell Me
Void - Explode
James Chance - Designed to Kill
General Strike - Guided Missiles
Hideo Osaka - Nezasa No Shirabe