Blue Lake are one of our discoveries of 2022. How we didn't spot it before now we've only ourselves to blame. Accounting for lost time, we've had Jason Dungan contribute the latest hour long mix for our Inner World series. It feels both finely attuned to our tastes and educative in equal measure, zigzaging between the familiar and stretching out into previously unexplored terrains, not to mention featuring a previously unheard Blue Lake composition. Jason's words on the matter do more than mine could:
"The mix is circling around music by friends and colleagues here in Copenhagen, instrument-builders of various types, jazz, folk, and indie pop from the pacific northwest. My listening and inspirations at the moment are definitely a mix of lots of new music, local discoveries, and music from my teenage years which I've reacquainted myself with and listened to with new ears.A side note - the Togo piece, where someone is playing a lithophone, is on Ocora. I did my best to include all the relevant info on who/where/when, but those records are often a little unspecific about things like the actual players."
Buy Blue Lake records here
The Raincoats – Honey Mad Woman
Ellen Fullman – Dripping Music
John Fahey – Jesus Was a Dying Bedmaker
Penguin Café Orchestra – Horns of the Bull
Sam Prekop – Practice Twice
Aar & Dag – CTSOPÅS
Pauline Hogstrand – Pixx
Mark Hollis – The Daily Planet
SOLW – Shaped Circle
Blue Lake – Green/Yellow Field (July)
The Spinanes – Entire
Musique Kabaye (Togo) – Picancala lithophone, recorded in November, 1960, in the village of Kuwdé
Zeena Parkins and Ikue Mori – Night Light
Eric Dolphy – Music Matador